15-23 July 2024, Gomarduli, Adjara, Georgia
for Singles and Lovers
for Singles and Lovers
Wildtantra Meditation retreat based on
the methods of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
Advanced retreat
to khow the Self in the moment of “hear-now” and to search through Tantric meditations for the answers to existential questions as:
What is Reality?
Who am I?
How to enter it completely out of space and time?
The whole journey is cutting through illusions, projections, judgments, interpretations and manipulation of Reality
What is life beyond changing forms?
This unique Retreat structure, lovingly woven by Pema, was successfully tested in Costa Rica and Bali. It gave participants amazing results
purification, activating a clear, true Vision; what the physical eyes cannot see
enjoyment of the body, not deny sensorial pleasure or sexuality, but using them as tools to provoke higher states of consciousness
transformation through some deep ancient methods of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
This is a rare opportunity - you may discover your ability to enter the pure space of Hridaya, the Supreme Heart, where everything is Consciousness
Main areas of exploration:
Hridaya (the Supreme Heart)
Mantra and Sound
Shunya (void)
Light and Darkness
Kundalini Yoga
Breath Awareness
Devotional Ritual
is a unique process of:
AHAM Retreat
One of the most mystical Tantra Master
Author of several books on tantra that immediately became bestsellers
  • "The Whispering Transmission"
  • "Tantra. Hidden mysteries, etc.
Retreats and thousands of students around the world
«My work is to bare everyone lovingly, consciously, in order to meet in the pure emptiness of the heart…» Pema
«You can always love more...»
The legendary creator of Kaula Heart of All, a Family and WildTantra - a wild path of spiritual awakening unspoiled by false interpretations
More than 25 years of practice
Pema about retreat
UNIQUE CHANCE for beginners: Pema allows people without a previous experience of Tantra, who are longing for freedom, for love, for consciousness, with a willingness to go into the practice of silence and stillness, to gain invaluable experience and working tools for them spiritual growth, so relevant at this moment.
Whatever is your path, you will benefit from the Process. Meditation practices can only deepen the more you practice them.

Retreat will be translated to Russian language
A RARE OPPORTUNITY to meet your beloved Master at a more advanced retreat for those who have been moving with Pema for many years.

We have chosen wild place in mountains, still quite comfortable and not too far from international airport and Europe, in visa free country.
Who is the retreat for
Notice: to maintain a gender balance, we can register women for the retreat with a man only (this is not necessarily your partner for living and practicing)
Venue: Gomarduli Dao Space – Adjara, Georgia
Smooth road curls from Batumi international airport (1 hour 50 min approximately, cheap taxi)
The place supports an eco-friendly approach and merges with nature
Stunning views of snowy peaks, healing mountain air, coniferous forest
The purest artesian drinking water from all taps of the retreat center (pH 5)
Cozy light rooms with all amenities for two
Georgia 01030, Gomarduli, Baratauli, Shuakhevi, Adjara
Gomarduli Dao Space is a remote authentic space for meditations in mountains (altitude is 1200m above sea level)
Also stylish modern glamping is constructing especially for our retreat
WiFi provided in common area, café, around glamping maybe
Two hours away from Black sea beaches
Where will the retreat take place?
Retreat price (excluding registration fee) changes according to the order (time) of your registration and will be as below:


You will pay it on the venue by cash to the representative of our team

Attention: Check the current price with the organizers before payment your advance.
Retreat prices
In order to register your participation and fix the price of the retreat, you pay in accordance with the offer agreement a registration fee of €200 to the details that will be displayed in your personal account after registration on this site.
The retreat is structured with whole day and night practices
Starting at 6 am and finishing around midnight
This intensive rhythm is alternated with breaks for meals and walking in nature
Retreat structure
Arrival,registration and payment starts on 15.07.24 at 15:00 and have to be completed before 17.30. If somebody comes later than 17.30, he must prepaid the full price for accommodation to the retreat center in advance. Dinner is at 18.00.
The worksop starts on 16.07.24 at 10:00 and it will be completed on 22.07.24 late tonight by celebration with a fire.
Check out from the retreat center on 23.07.24 after branch.
The eco-retreat center offers two types of accommodation: in simple and cozy double rooms (16-18 sq.m) and in double tents equipped with beds with new orthopedic mattresses and linen linens.

Three vegan meals a day according to the agreed menu are already included in the price.
Double room accommodation with meal since 15th till 23d July for 1 person is €550
Double tent accommodation with meal since 15th till 23d July for 1 person is €350
An advance payment for accommodation has to be made online straight to hotel manager when registering for the retreat (ask organizer for details).

Advance payment is not refundable.

The balance payment has to be paid upon arrival 15.07.24 by cash.
Accommodation and food conditions
Fly high to the mountains of spirit in the flow of WildTantra with Pema Gitama
+7 903 273 54 03 Rani
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